Coronation Sussex
Lavender based
The REAL story behind the creation of the Sussex Lavender Based Coronation.

Will continue with the next items below
its travel to the US
its travel to the Netherlands
and more ...

Coronation Sussex
Blue based
The blue based coronation was shown for the first time at the Midden-Drenthe Show in Beilen (NL). It was also there for recognition.
The Midden-Drenthe Show was from okt. 25th till okt. 27th 2018

Read the facebook posting: click here

My history
Coronation, one alias, two colors ....
A detailed description of my quest for the Sussex Coronation.
A 4 year quest of USA visit, a lot of reading on the Internet, contacts via Facebook and e-mail, promises that were not met, but also good hatching eggs, many packages,

That one coronation is really different like the other coronation, lots of chicks, lots of learning, experiences, disappointments but also lots of beautiful moments......

And ultimately the end goal in sight. In my garden and color recognition.


Here you can find the latest news about the Coronation Sussex.
On the right the latest two new ones.
Like articles, pics , hatching eggs, chicks, shows, and more

The Coronation Sussex - Lavender based will be shown on the Noordshow at the TT-Expo in Assen (NL) from jan 3rd till jan 5th 2019.
This will be shown as the first step towards color recognition for The Standard.
Come and see there.
After showing the Coronation Blue based at the Midden Drenthe Show I am proud to anounce this color will be officially recognized in the Dutch Standard of Poultry.
The Coronation Lavender based was also there shown for the first time ever
on the Midden Drenthe Show 2018

The Blue based is recognized for the NL    :-)

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